Let Me Take Your Photo And Make You A Phone Charm

Last night I went to sleep after starting a new book. Concentrating was difficult. 

This morning, I took snapshots of things that are currently bringing me joy or giving me hope - tangible items. Items that will be useful in the coming year (four years?) 

I'm super-thankful that, for now, I can continue to do work at my local library and work on photography related projects. My co-star is more that supportive and am very grateful to him for never tying my worth to how much bacon I bring home (besides the fact that I don't eat bacon), but you get the idea.

My constant companion and in my purse every day now, loaded with Kodak TX. (She needs a cleaning.)

This book was a Christmas gift and looking forward to diving into it. 

Need a phone charm?

Or a small piece of artwork that (proudly) looks like a 5 year old made it?

Besides all the "noise" and damage being done right now, I'm fighting to find joy in small things that I can control. And, my encouragement to finding a place you can help "do the work" and continue to create goes far and wide (sprinkle some glitter here). 

Hugs and glitter xoxo 


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